Privacy Policy

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains is committed to ensuring that the processing of personal data on complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act.

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains is committed to limiting the collection of personal data to the strict minimum (data minimization).

The website has not been declared to the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) because it does not collect personal data.

The plateform is hosted by Alwaysdata with an optimal degree of security. This means that physical access to the systems is subject to strict control, the software programmes and systems are closely monitored, patched and updated with the right levels of security, and anti-intrusion systems are used to prevent attacks.

Type of data collected

For the purposes of using the services and offers proposed on the website, we may collect and process personal data such as your contact details, surname, first name, address, telephone number, email address, etc. via our contact forms and/or when creating a personal account.

Purpose of data collected

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains uses the information you provide in accordance with the present Privacy Policy. This information could be used for customer services management and prospection.

The period for which data can be stored

Personal data related to customer management can be stored for a period of three years from when it is first collected.

Personal data controller

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains,
Boulevard des Arènes – BP 10 03310 Néris-les-Bains
is the data controller (delegated) and is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

Exercising your rights

In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act n° 78-17 of the 6th January 1978, no personal information is collected without your knowledge or transferred to a third party. You have the right to access, modify and oppose your own personal data. If you wish to exercise your rights, please write to:

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains,
Boulevard des Arènes – BP 10 03310 Néris-les-Bains

About cookies

To improve the interactivity of the website and our services, little files known as “cookies” are stored on your computer, mobile or tablet.

These cookies have many uses: they can be used to memorise your customer login details on an e-commerce website, the content of your basket, a username that can track your browsing history for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.

The 3 different types of cookies:

First-party cookies that are needed for a website to function
These cookies allow a website to function correctly. You can oppose and delete them through your browser, but your user experience may be affected.
Session cookies
In order to adapt the website to the needs of its visitors, we track the number of visits, number of pages viewed and the activity of visitors on the website and how often they come back.
Third party cookies to improve the interactivity of a website
The Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains website uses some services offered by third party websites. These include:
  • Share buttons (such as Twitter and Facebook)
  • List of tweets (Twitter)
  • Videos displayed on the website (such as Youtube and Dailymotion)

These functions use third party cookies that are stored directly by these services. When you visit the website for the first time, a banner informs you of these cookies and asks you to choose to accept them or not.

For some of these services, cookies are only stored if you give your express authorization to use these services (for example YouTube). Other services store cookies for anonymous use from the first time you view the page, you can expressly refuse these cookies in your Cookies management (Google analytics anonymization). Some services are essential to be able to use the website correctly and require cookies that cannot be refused (reCaptcha).

At any time, you can find out about and change the settings of your cookies to accept or refuse them in Cookies management at the bottom of every page of the website. You can choose either once for the whole website, or for each service individually.

Modifications of the privacy policy

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Néris-les-Bains may modify or update the present Privacy Policy if necessary with regards changes in the law, regulations or current practices. That is why we recommend you come back to this page from time to time.